My parents: the cat hoarders?

After my post yesterday about the raccoon invasion I thought I would take a moment to talk about  my parents and their love for animals in general (since I mentioned the cat door and their nocturnal visitors, I thought I would explain why they have one in the first place). My parents have a problem, though they blame it on each other. They are suckers for animals. Though we always have had pets, they have reached a new level. They have 3 cats right now, none of which were theirs originally. It seems as if cats gravitate to my parents since they know they will be taken in and well loved, treated like kings.

First there is Dolce a.k.a. Tubbers or Tubba. He was once my sister's cat who moved in with my parents when he began to have behavioral problems at her apartment. He is enormous. He has no claws since he was an indoor cat until he moved in at the lake. Now, though my sister hates it, he ventures outside and cats around. He looks like he is wearing a tuxedo with his white belly and legs. He has the littlest mew for such a big cat and he NEVER sleeps. Tubbers also has a penchant for sleeping on his back with his soft belly exposed.

Then there is Frank. He moved into my parents' shed during Christmas time a few years ago. My mother saw him but thought he might be some kind of wild animal so she sent my dad out there to check it out. It turned out to be a little kitten out in the cold so they let him in. He also turned out to be a big cat. A big and an UGLY cat. They named him Frank but he is mostly called Fugly. So much so that our neighbor thought that was his actual name. He is cross-eyed and weirdly colored. His back legs are longer than his front legs so he always looks like he is walking down hill. He lives mostly outside.

Finally there is the newest addition, Magglio. This cat showed up on my sister's porch last summer. He stayed out there all day, meowing and trying to get in. We just happened to be out there visiting and brought him home with us to try to find his owner or a place to stay. Surprise, surprise, he is now residing here. He must have known that my parents just could not say no. That they have a weird thing about animals.

Wildlife is just attracted to them like Noah or Snow White. They have muskrats on their shoreline. They have a woodchuck living under the house. They have raccoons trying to come inside to warm up. Not to mention the chipmunks, squirrels, ducks, geese, fish, deer, snakes, frogs, etc that are always hanging around. The cats do NOTHING to prevent this. Every once in a while they kill a mouse or a bird but mostly they are here living the good life.


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