Get me to the church on time

Yesterday Jose and I attended the wedding of his best friend in his hometown. We woke up early on Saturday to go pick up some friends flying in from Poland for the big day. Their flight arrived a half hour late which set into motion a rush to get ready to go to the church for their ceremony. I thought we were making good time when I left the hair stylist at noon. I thought. Jose had told me that everything began at 12:30, so in my mind we had a half hour to get dressed.

As we were driving back to his parents' house to change we came across some friends from work and rolled down the window to say hi. "See you at 12:30," we said. "What?????!!!!???" they asked. It turns out that we were wrong and that the mass was about to start just then. Talk about being in a rush. We flew back and got dressed in record time. We ran into the church and made it just in time for Jose to read his petition during the mass. Phew. We were late but weren't the latest, so I felt a bit better. We only got one picture of us dressed up while we were riding in the transfer bus to the reception but at least you can see the hat I wore with I talked about here


The food was yummy at the reception and we were surrounded by wonderful people. We had a great time (especially Jose who was with all of his best friends). The bride and groom looked fabulous and happy. They had a group of musicians who played, kept the party going and were hilarious. They dressed up in different costumes based on the singers they were covering. Their speakers were LOUD, really loud. I had a hard time being on the dance floor since the music bothered me and forget trying to hear anyone talking. Besides that, no complaints. It was a great night.

Here is the but to this story...remember when I talked about how Spanish people take their kids to bars and have them out way too late?? (Read about it here). Well, there was a woman at this wedding (I have no idea who she was) who had her infant in a sling out on the dance floor all night. Her baby was 2 months old. In a baby backpack. At night. With LOUD music. And people smoking. And drinking. All night. I was horrified. As far as I know, no one said anything to her. Seriously though. This was taking it a step too far. Sometimes when you are a parent you have to give up certain things, like partying it up when you have an infant. Sometimes you go home instead of staying until the last dance. It was completely irresponsible and yet I seemed to be the only person who couldn't stop staring with incredulity.

I am saying here and now that I will NOT be that kind of mom. (Don't worry to my mom, I know you would fly over here and kick my butt if I did).



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