31 Days of Frugal Travel Tips: Day 15

15. Share costs with other couples or families: The same principle of saving money that you use while carpooling functions here as well. If you can rent an entire house or an apartment rather than stay at a hotel and split the cost sometimes you can save some money (be sure to do your research). If you can drive together, even better. Maybe you could share the cost and work of preparing meals. Of course you would want to look for a group that has compatible travel plans and expectations but by splitting costs you will travel more frugally. Some of my most memorable trips as a child were done with neighbors and their children. We still talk about the awful, rock hard pancakes that were made during one camping trip with neighbors. Bonus: (if you have kids) you can share childcare or babysitting responsibilities as well. One couple or person could watch the kids one night and then you could trade off. That way everyone gets a chance to enjoy a relaxing adult-only evening.


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