The hottest new playground accessory

When you are in school you inevitably get sucked into the playground fads that all your friends are obsessed with at the time. For me it was Pogs and Beanie Babies. Those were the MUST-HAVEs of my past. Working in an elementary school and having recess duty often times will remind me of when I was young as I see how things can become cool and then spread quickly, becoming a hit. Earlier this year everyone would be showing off their sticker collections. The more you had in your album the cooler you were. They were a hot commodity. Then the classic jump-rope came onto the scene (definitely a repeat offender) and everyone got into it.

Recently all the girls have been bringing in giant elastic bands. One let me snap a picture of her rainbow band:

They use these elastics kind of like a jump-ropes. They stretch them out and hook them around their legs to create a rectangle to jump over. They have been doing tricks and it does look like fun.

They have songs and it certainly is a good way to burn off some energy.

The playground that we have at school is no where near as cool as the ones more common in the U.S. There are no swings or slides, no playground equipment. It is sort of like a barren wasteland, part with a basketball court, part with sand and the other concrete that eats up knees every day. The girls have to get creative. These elastics certainly help.


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