A bunch of garbage: Trash strike update

So the trash collectors' strike has been going on for more than a week now. Things are getting (and have been) disgusting. You can't walk anywhere without seeing, stepping over, smelling and basically being attacked by trash. In my last post I said I wasn't sure why this strike was happening but since then I have done some research.

Turns out waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy back in April of 2012 (you know, like eons ago) an accord was reached between Lipisam (the rubbish company) and the local government in which Lipisam workers would have a 5% reduction in salary and would agree to work 37.5 hours each week. These types of salary reductions are pretty common here if it means no lay-offs (you sacrifice a bit to keep working, not ideal but you still have a jobski). And imagine working so many hours a week. UNHEARD OF!?!?!?!  Again, this agreement was reached fairly recently. However, since then there has been a change in politics in the local government (to another political party) and now it seems that Lipisam wants to go back on what they had signed earlier.

What the hell? Oh and it gets better. Both sides are now accusing each other of burning the dumpsters around the city. Nice. The basic services that are legally required during a strike? Also allegedly not happening. And guess what? This trash collection service is something that ALL people pay for with their taxes. So I am currently paying for nothing. Awesome.

Imagine being a tourist here. Great image. A beautiful stroll by the Cathedral only to be pegged in the face by trash. I was in the city center this morning and it is not as bad as out where I live but it's like putting lipstick on a pig. You leave the main streets and are greeted by trash. Disgusting. This whole strike is a bunch of garbage.


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