Resident bums

Since Jose and I came back from spending the summer in Michigan we have had three indigent folks living under one of the portals in our apartment complex. At first I thought, wow that's sad. Look at those poor dwelling-challenged people. The economy is terrible. Boo hoo. I thought they would eventually move on. That has not been the case. They have set up shop and are there to stay. I have gone from feeling any real sympathy for them, to basically loathing them. It's just another reason why I can't wait to move to our new place. The list is growing as time goes by.

These aren't your run of the mill panhandling, can you spare some change, not overly offensive group bums. Oh no. These are the get drunk (or drugged) and scream bloody murder at night kind of bums. These are most inventive profanity using whether or not there are kids and old people living in the buildings around you kind of bums.  These are the I'm afraid to walk my dog after dark kind of bums. These are the I am not sure how my in-laws are ever going to rent this place after we move out kind of bums.

We have contacted the police a total of 5 times about these people and they have been out once. For some reason our local police precinct isn't open on Sundays (criminals take note, their response time is abismal to non-existent on this day). Either Sundays are really good money making days for the bums (and thus enable them to get more hammered than usual) or they just get very worked up since the following day is Monday (not that they work), but the worst nights always seem to be on Sundays. Precisely when there is no police force working. Well played bums. Well played.

We finally got the cops out last weekend after a really awful screaming match. I think a lot of neighbors probably called. Good, I thought. Maybe this will be what we need for them to get the hell out of here. Not so much. They were there in the morning, camped out like usual.

My one consolation as I listen to them gearing up for another battle royale tonight is that we will be out of here soon. Our new place is thankfully bum free. A few more weeks...


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