Attention! Gorilla spotted in Sevilla!

A big, hairy, smelly ape-like creature has been spotted in Sevilla! No, a primate hasn´t escaped from the zoo or some weird private collection. The ´gorilla´I am referring to is the man that ´helps´you park your car and then asks for money. Often times it is difficult to find a parking spot in Sevilla, this I will admit but I also think it is ridiculous to have to pay some random bum who stands in the street and points to a spot you would have seen anyway. These men are called gorillas, why I do not know. What I do know is that if you do not pay them they will not watch your car and something ´unfortunate´ might and probably will happen to it. So I guess you are paying for two services, the pointing out of a parking spot (and perhaps the help with guiding your car into the 3 square feet that are available) as well as standing vigil next to your vehicle (rrrright) to make sure no one scratches, dings, bumps, smashes, crashes or totals it. If for some reason any of the aforementioned things happens, they are not responsible because really they have no official capacity for being there anyway. I am sure there is another reason for calling these creepy men "gorillas" besides their appearance but I say it is a fairly accurate assessment. If they aren´t homeless they certainly have that look about them. It seems as if they pick streets where people are going to park anyway and set up shop. To maximize their earnings they will also have you double park. In a city with narrow streets to begin with, I can´t think of anything that makes more sense. The Spanish like all Europeans can fit their silly little cars into impossibly tiny spots so why not put another row of cars next to them. You just have to make sure not to put on the parking brake or else the person you have so convieniently blocked in won´t be able to shove your car out of the way to squeeze out. When I see so many cars double parked I curse the fact that there aren´t more hills in Sevilla. I can imagine someone like my mom was when I was younger, with four kids, frazzled after a long day of running errands showing up to their car with an arm full of groceries only to find some jerk has double parked and blocked their car. Where is the gorilla to help her push the other car out of the way? Didn´t she pay him? Oh wait, he is at one of the million bars in Sevilla spending the money all the poor suckers paid him today.


  1. Allow me to correct this post. Apparently what I was hearing as gorilla (my mind converting to English) is actually gorrilla which means hat-wearer in Spanish. It isn´t my fault that these people don´t know how to pronounce things right. Damn Andalusian accent you have got me again. I still do not retract the fact that these "hat-wearers" are very similar to our primate cousins.

  2. Your mother would have just walked away and lwft those ggoorriillaa people the groceries and the kids.


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