Back in business

First world problems

Since arriving back in Spain from our summer spent in Michigan we have not had internet. It has suuuuuuuuucked. Apparently we had been without service since the beginning of August, though we were not aware of this because we were out of the country. After getting in contact with our internet service provider and being told that we should wait until mid-September to make any decisions about switching since they were alledgedly making improvements to their system, we decided to contract another company. This girl cannot live without the internets; it has been a trial. In any case, the new folks came today and set us up this very evening and I am loving it! Oh, and it turns out our original service provider just went belly up and no longer exists though they owe us like 100 euro. I doubt we will be seeing that.

Catching up

Now that we are back in business, I feel like there are so many things I need to write about in order to maintain this online peek into my life. I can say that Jose and I both arrived back in Spain without incident and that the first weekend we were here we went to his cousin´s wedding (there will be a post tomorrow). I have started work (if you count 3 hours a week working) and we have settled back into our normal routine (besides being online). I will be updating more tomorrow but now I have quite a bit of Facebooking and Skyping to do.


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