The devil is in the details

This weekend Jose and I kicked a** getting a bunch of little projects done around the apartment. We figured we could finish the majority of this stuff on Saturday but as per usual our timeline kept extending. Everything took longer than we had originally thought.

We started in the bathroom where we added our towel holders, toilet paper holder, etc. Yay IKEA! Drilling through the tile and then the wall proved harder than we expected. Each hole took 20 minutes, no joke, partly because you have to be careful not to crack the tile itself and secondly because the wall is basically made of diamond  (or something similarly hard). Sorry about the photo, we still don't have lights in place, just a lamp and the bathroom is still not too organized.

Then we moved on to the kitchen where we hung a chalkboard and a pole that we hung a basket from to help get things off the counter. This was another thing we picked up in IKEA. For about 20 bucks we were able to get all the parts and I like the way it turned out and adds extra storage. Eventually we would like to hang some shelves over this pole as well. Last but not least we hung a clock!

Afterwards we finally got the handles on our closets. This little project took some time since we measured about 10 times to make sure they were all in the same place on each door.

Besides these little (which turned into big) things we also began to hang our art around the apartment. Our goal is to throw a housewarming party the weekend of my birthday in April. That means we have to put the pedal to the metal and get all these little nitpicky projects done. Next we would like to get some lights and curtains up. Thankfully my mother-in-law has offered to sew them for us which should save us a bunch of money. We still need a headboard and to finish the guest bathroom as well. Oh and a washing machine. We are planning one big purchase a month as our budget permits. Someday we will be finished : )


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