Spring has sprung

It would seem that with all this rain, spring has arrived here in the south of Spain. At least this is what I am hoping. When we are able to get outside to actually take Cooper for a walk we have been noticing the signs that spring has sprung. First came the snails which have been crawling out from wherever they were hiding. Most of them are pretty little and I only really notice them after I accidently crunch them underfoot. Some are bigger and the girls at school come screaming to tell me they saw one at recess. Snails are actually a popular dish here in Spain (caracoles) and though I have yet to try one, a lot of people love them.

The snail's creepier cousin, the slug, has also made its presence known. They are huge! While living in Chile I had my far share of run-ins with slugs but the ones here are just as gross even if they are outside and not found in my shower. Cooper sniffs them out and is somehow convinced they would be a tasty treat. We have to pull him away all the time.

A nicer sign of spring has been the trees that were planted up and down the boulevard by our apartment. Since we have moved in they have seemed sort of sad. Now they have begun to flower and are quite pretty.

We are hoping that soon the weather will heat up and the rain will stop so that we can enjoy being outside more. I am sure it will be nicer sooner than back home in Michigan, so that's something. Speaking of Michigan, today is my niece's first birthday and I hope she is having a great day. I am sure her mom and dad made it special. We love and miss you Daphne : )


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