Rain, rain, go away

It has been raining pretty much daily for the last couple of weeks. I am over it. It can stop any time but probably won't.  Besides being depressing as hell, this rain is really cramping my style. First, Cooper hates going outside to do his dirty business when it is raining. When we walk out and he gets hit by water he will turn around and look at me like I am crazy. Nuh uh. Next, working at a school with daily inside recess is not going well. Our girls desperately need to get out and burn off their energy. Otherwise they go a bit stir crazy which in turn makes me crazy. When you don't have a dryer, best of luck getting your clothes un-damp and not smelling just a bit funky when it rains all day, every day. Those money-saving solar panels aren't working too well either at this point. Rawr!

Let's hope that this weather lets up soon. I have heard that it might be like this for the rest of March. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy???????


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