31 Days of Frugal Travel Tips: Day 2

2. Use hostals: Staying in hotels can cost an arm and a leg. At least for us, when we travel we are only really looking for a place to crash at night and shower in the morning. We don´t need to stay in the most luxurious digs. That is where hostals can save big money. They aren´t just for students either. There is an entire gamma of places with many different price points. I would recommend the hostalworld (www.hostalworld.com) website. You can search by city and price. You can decide if you want to save money by sharing a room with other people (I prefer not to and am willing to pay a little more to avoid it). People are very good about leaving their impressions of the place after they have stayed. I usually try to book us into a place that has high ratings and offers the ammenities we are looking for. Though they are basic, hostals are cost effective and they have them all over the world. Bonus: often times there are kitchens that you can use to prepare your own food and save more money. Another bonus: you can meet some really interesting people while traveling with hostals.


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