The reunion of Kate, Allie, Barcelona...

Last weekend Kate came to Sevilla to spend the weekend. This also coincided with my move into my new apartment (FINALLY!!!!!!). Okay, one thing at time. Kate arrived on Friday morning while I was at work. We met up and went out to lunch as well as some shopping at the Factory which is a clothing outlet here in Sevilla (yes!). That night we went out to a Spanish disco where Kate felt it necessary to creep on a ton of people, very obviously taking pictures until a pair of gay guys caught her and actually posed for the picture. They then proceeded to ask me to add them on Tuenti (Spanish broke ass version of facebook) so they could see it. I liked the disco minus the 9 euro drinks, the four hours of bad techno music and the random skanks who came out onto a platform every few songs to "entertain" the crowd. Now, I can handle go.go dancers or whatever you want to call them but these girls didn´t even dance. They just posed and not even to the rhythm of the music. Lame. At least there was another chick who got into a pool of water to do synchronized swimming routines also. She was earning her money because it was NOT warm out. Saturday we woke up and went to the Festival de las Naciones which is taking place this month. It consists of a bunch of different booths selling food and arts and crafts from different countries. We tried the Mexican food. Not impressed. I have been missing Mexican food here and thought that finally I was going to get a fix. Unfortunately their nacho cheese looked neon (imagine ballpark crappy) and their "spicy" sauce was too tame. I can´t say that I am surprised. Spanish people do not do spicy food but like my family likes to remind me, isn´t Mexican and Spanish the same thing? Not in food. After we spent the afternoon sightseeing before dinner (tapas of course) and a flamenco show. Kate left on Sunday morning and our brief reunion of Kate, Allie, Barcelona came to an end.

Sunday also marked the move into the new apartment. This is a big deal for several reasons: 1. it is the first time José and I will be living together by ourselves, 2. we were getting incredibly fed up with living outside of Sevilla proper, 3. the people who were living there before us were taking advantage of the situation and I may or may not have just wanted them out for spite. To make a long story short, we have been waiting a long time to move and things with the previous owners didn´t end that great. After 8 straight hours of cleaning, we were finally somewhat settled. My apartment, like many here in Spain has a ton of built-ins and while cleaning it was like a treasure hunt for the random things the people had left behind which included: at least 50 keys that don´t open anything, a fan, the ugliest tea set I have ever seen and links to a watch. One nice touch was discovering that for our gigantic dining table the previous owners had only left 2 chairs. Douches. At least they left a ladder which will come in handy to switch out the lovely Tweety bird light fixture that is in one of the bedrooms. Ikea here we come!


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