El jamon no engorda, and other tall tales

Here in Spain I have noticed that old wives´ tales are still fairly common. I think these myths are probably based somewhat in reality but that doesn´t make them true (and any less ridiculous in some cases). For example, I have been scolded by a Spanish friend for going to open the refrigerator without shoes on. Why? Because I might electrocute myself. Though I appreciate that he was trying to keep me safe, I am fairly certain that as a kid I would yank open the freezer sopping wet from swimming in the lake in search of an Otter pop and never got zapped so I would draw my own conclusion on the odds of me getting a shock. Apparently, it was the combination of not having my feet covered that might cause electricity to travel through the fridge and into my body, as if on a tile floor (because carpets are virtually nonexistant here in the south of Spain) my feet (though quite large) might create enough static electricity to cause a reaction with the metal of the doorhandle. Now, I can understand that an older person who lived most of their life without a fridge might think of it as an almost magical appliance especially if they didn´t understand how it worked. I am sure this is what led to the belief that you couldn´t open it without your feet being covered, but the person who came sprinting across the kitchen to safe my life, yelling "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" was around my age. Go figure.
The preocupation with feet goes even further. I have been told that if I didn´t wear flip-flops (house shoes, slippers, footy-pajamas, fuzzy socks or some other type of foot covering) that I would catch cold. This was in the heat of the summer if I am not mistaken. Why? Because even though you are living in a sweatbox, the tile floor is cold and the combination of hot and cold could make you sick. I can understand keeping your feet warm in the cooler months but the sensation of cold tile (though it does not compare with grass) is actually pretty pleasant if you are dying of heat. I am starting to think that maybe my feet are just really fugly and instead of telling me to keep them out of sight, people here kindly try to make me believe I am going to suffer some terrible fate in order to force me to wear slippers.
There is also a strong belief that certain foods don´t make you fat. If I have heard that "el jamon no engorda" (ham doesn´t make you fat) once, I have heard it or a variation on the theme 50 times. I am pretty sure that anything can make you fat if you eat enough of it, even celery. That being said, I have also been told that diet pop (not soda, I am from Michigan now) WILL however make you fat. Everything in moderation, people.
Feel free to comment with your own bits of Spanish wisdom, or if you would like to refute my findings here (if your mother´s friend´s cousin once died from being electrocuted by the fridge, if only she had on slippers, may she rest in peace)...


  1. Your mother says to wait 30 minutes after eating before you go in the water, too. and she loves you.

  2. My contribution: don't touch your belly (for some reason it can make you some kind of harm), don't turn the forks and knives when they table is already set (it's bad luck)

  3. I thought that if you eat over the kitchen sink, then it doesn't make you fat. right?


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