Back in action, back in the classroom

Since returning to Spain from the USA there has been one big change around here. Allow me to explain: Jose and I flew out from Chicago where we stayed with our friends Jenna and Mike for the night. We had a nice, albeit short, visit with them and the city.

It was while we were there for a day that I received an email inviting me for an interview at a school close to our apartment. Originally I had planned on staying at the position I had worked at last school year but had sent out my CV to other places last spring just to be safe. This job interview came out of nowhere. They were looking to fill a position quite quickly and wanted me there for an interview on a Friday. I was offered a job teaching 3rd grade (English, art and computers) on the following Monday. It all happened very fast and so far, so good.

I had a hard time leaving my old job because I liked it a lot but this new school is about 5 minutes away from apartment and the schedule is nice. I get to see Jose a lot more than I did when I was working until 9pm last year. I will also miss my co-workers but have been enjoying meeting and getting to know my new ones. Here I am with the other 3rd grade teachers taking a selfie on the playground:

It has been a bit stressful trying to get my classroom ready in such a short time as well as learning the ins and outs of a new school. My students started more than a week ago and I have lucked out in that I have a small group. I have 18 kids in my class with a lot of different levels and personalities. I am having fun and am looking forward to what this new teaching job will bring.


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