Summer in Michigan part 1

Summer officially began for us when Jose finished school at the end of June. We only had a few days to say goodbye to everyone in Spain and pack our bags before we headed by high speed train up to Madrid to catch our flight to Chicago. I was incredibly nervous for our nine hour trip but it ended up being ok. Thank you to everyone who made suggestions to us to ease our travel with the girls. They didn't cry at all and only Laura slept for a while so it was a lot of videos, walking the aisles and trying just about everything to keep them entertained.

We don't do a lot of screen time normally so they were pretty excited about having unlimited access to videos and music during our flight. We bought baby-sized headphones that worked out really well and everyone who sat around us was really nice and patient. This is the second time we have flown IBERIA with our girls and I highly recommend them to other families. They were very accommodating not only of us but the seven other families (there were that many strollers gate checked so I know there were lots of other people with kids on our plane).

We wanted to do only one direct flight this year and avoid connections so we decided to arrive in Chicago where my sister Andie lives. We spent a couple days at her house with my parents as well who had driven down to meet us. We adjusted to the time difference fairly well and went to an awesome kids' museum with the girls. We also got to see my friend Kate and her family which was great. We studied together at UNC and were roommates our second year there. She recently had a son so it was wonderful that it worked out for us to see each other.

From Chicago we headed up to visit my other sister Katie in Grand Rapids. We were there for a few days hanging out with our niece Daphne and meeting their new dog. It was a relaxing trip and the weather was beautiful, enough so that we got to go to her local splash pad in the park. We also indulged in our strange addiction to the Hoarders t.v. show. I love spending time with my sisters because they are just as weird as me.

After Grand Rapids we drove to Plymouth (we are really making the rounds these last few weeks) to stay with my last sister, Chrissie, and her family. We spent the week with my nieces Eve and Caroline and it was fun to watch all the little girls playing together. I think Caroline was more than happy to see us leave in the end because her cousins came roaring into her life, disrupting her routine. I am pretty sure I saw her in their front window waving buh-bye as we drove away.

Since then we have been at my parents' house on the lake (except for our weekend in Indianapolis which will get its own blog soon). The weather has been absolutely perfect, not too hot and sunny. We have been outside a lot, going in the lake, on the boat and enjoying the sunshine. Jose and I have been going to the movies on Tuesdays to get our free popcorn like we used to in the past. All of us go to my parents' favorite lunch special restaurants on Wednesdays. We have a nice routine going and besides my parents' cats I think everyone is having a good visit.

Just yesterday we had two of my oldest friends, Kim and Claire, over to spend the day on the lake. We have been friends for what seems like forever and no matter how long we go without seeing each other, it doesn't matter. We just pick up where we left off. Now we have added three little munchkins to the mix but we were still able to catch up. I also got the chance to see my best friend Erica for an afternoon when we first arrived in Brighton but can't find a picture to post. Whoops.

Today we met my sister, nieces and aunt in Detroit at the riverfront. We walked downtown and got food from a lunch truck. We rode on the carousel they have by the water and waved at Canada. I have to admit that Detroit isn't my favorite place to visit but they are certainly making an effort to attract people to the area.

We have been in the USA for about three weeks now and have about the same amount of time to go. I will write a blog about our annual family trip (GAGME) soon and then another to commemorate the rest of our adventures stateside this summer. I hope everyone is having a relaxing summer!


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