Not-so-monthly updates 1

Another month has come and gone and dare I say that spring has sprung in the south of Spain. It sure does feel like it! Today and for the rest of this week we are supposed to have 80 degree days and sun which will hopefully clear up Laura's continuing bronchitis. She has it yet again. And this is with me staying home with her. I can't imagine how bad it would be if she had stayed in daycare. Although admittedly I do miss having adult conversation and a life outside of my girls. Luckily Jose has some time off soon for Holy Week. Then my parents are coming for a short visit on the tail end of a trip they are taking.

We haven't really been up to anything this month. Just the normal one year old stuff, playing, practicing walking, eating, music class. For that reason and since I can't imagine it is very exciting to read about the same month after month, I am switching to not-so-monthly updates, meaning I will post whenever something exciting happens or I have a spare minute which with two mobile babies isn't often.

We did have lunch and a play date with Jose's cousin and her daughter earlier this past month. The restaurant where we ate was the same place that we had the girls' baptism reception and this time we got them out on the bouncy house they have set up in the back. Vera LOVED it! This girl has no fear. She threw herself around and I was scared she would hurt herself. Laura was more reserved, bounced a few times and then wanted to be picked up. She is much more cautious than her sister. They are the same with trying new food. Vera will accept whatever you offer her, while Laura wants to touch it, smell it, and then maybe try it. Maybe. But probably it will end up smeared all over her high chair and then thrown to the ground where an overjoyed Cooper dog will snatch it up. His diet lately has been heavy in Cheerios.

You guys, I know it sounds braggy but sometimes I just look at these girls and think, "where the hell did they get this cuteness from?" They are just getting more cute as time goes by, especially as they are interacting more with each other and with other people. They clap their hands and now wave goodbye. This is my first hint that they are bilingual since they will wave "bye bye" and "adios." They smile at everyone and I can't take them out of the house without being stopped by someone who wants to oogle them. Who can resist two little chunks with such sweet dispositions? Certainly not older women. I have had them even grab hold of the stroller to stop me so they could get a closer look. How did I get so lucky?

I say lucky because although we have had our far share of hospital visits and stays this past year, Laura and Vera are in good general health, they are pretty nice most of the time, good eaters, good sleepers, get along with each other, are just good babies. When people do stop me on the street they want to know if it is hard being a twin mom and I secretly want to reply, "no!" because for me, honestly it isn't. I was blessed with two good babies and a great, supportive husband. So when someone makes a comment about how tough it must be I usually just smile and nod because yes, sometimes it is, sometimes you don't get sleep, sometimes the babies are ill, sometimes you are sick of hearing the same damn song over and over again. But I think that's the same for parents of singletons. I am lucky as a twin mom.

Another thing people want to know (maybe because they are one now) is whether we want more kids, the assumption usually being that we must be done. I hate to break it to you world but we would love to have more kiddos. As most of you know, we had quite a bit of difficulty just getting these two so you never know what the future will bring but to be honest, I don't think my family is complete yet. I am enjoying my two girls but I could see us expanding in the future. Which seems to shock some people. I should also point out that I love discussing my intimate life details with random people on the street. Ha!

So check back from time to time to follow our journey with these two. I hope you enjoy!


  1. They are absolutly beautiful. Feel free to brag about them as much as you want. I do love seeing updates, even if you feel nothing happened. I my family is in a routine rut and it's so boring. Each age has its pluses and minuses, but 1 year was my favorite age. Kids are so much more interactive and fun and curious.


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