10 month baby update

Christmas Eve
I just re-read my monthly update for November and I am happy to say that December was much easier on all of us. Laura had a lot of congestion and both babies got new teeth but we all got a lot more rest. So yay! Plus this last month was a lot of fun with the girls´first Christmas (which I will write another blog post about soon). Jose and I were off work for the last week of December for the holidays and we did all kinds of fun activities to celebrate the season. Plus Jose´s sister came with our niece and my mom arrived right at the end of the month so things have been busy, thus the late monthly update.

Ready for a visit to Jose´s village
We had a few days off at the beginning of December and we spent them trying a new restaurant close to our apartment and meeting up with friends. We also went to see Jose´s family in their village before the madness of Christmas began. The month went by very quickly and most of it was spent getting ready for the holidays, decorating our apartment and putting up the tree, buying presents, cleaning for my mom´s visit, wrapping things up at school and just being busy.

Our daycare had a photographer come in and take pictures of the kids for cards and I think Laura and Vera looked beautiful. We put them in an outfit that was made by my mother-in-law. The daycare also had a special day for the family to come and see a sort of pageant. Let´s be honest, the littlest ones were just scenery but our babies were dressed as shepherdesses which is a typical Christmas outfit for kids here in Spain. After they "sang" their song we had hot chocolate and churros and one of the three wise men came to visit. It was a nice day and Jose, my father-in-law and Jose´s cousin were also able to come.

I feel like both Laura and Vera had some big milestones in December. They both got more teeth, Vera now has two upper teeth and Laura has one. Laura was drooling for about a day before it came in but both were in good spirits while teething, thank goodness. Vera continues to do her version of crawling and has discovered how to pull herself up on things that are low to the ground. She loves standing up, though she always stays on her tiptoes. Laura is still happy to sit and play with her accumulated toys. We have noticed that she likes to have pairs of things and that she has to have something in both hands. For example, I bought both girls a stuffed bunny but Laura has taken both and loves to hold them and swing them around by their ears.

Lunch with friends
Tito Jesus and Laura
Vera has learned how to wave hello, which we practiced a lot at the airport while waiting for my mom to arrive. She also does high fives and gets really excited after she does it. Laura has been dancing every time she hears music lately, sort of bobbing her head and just today she started clapping. The girl definitely has rhythm.

Downtown Seville
They had a wonderful Christmas and were super spoiled by everyone. Both Santa and the three Wise men came to visit us and brought lots of gifts. Plus we got to spend a lot of time with our friends and family and I know that neither Jose nor I are looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. I hope the readjustment to daycare is easy on the girls since they haven´t been in over two weeks.

Since we had a lot going on over the last two weeks while we were off school I have decided to write a separate blog to chronicle our girls´first Christmas. I hope everyone had a great holiday season and that getting back to real life hasn´t been too difficult for you. Here in Spain the 6th of January marks the end of the holidays which is nice since it goes on longer so I feel spoiled. 


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