Day at the pool

It recently got super hot again here in the south of Spain. I should never be surprised when it reaches scorching temperatures since it happens every year but I am always shocked by just how damn hot it gets. You want to know why the siesta exists? Come to Andalucia from May until October. It is just too warm to be outside between the hours of 11am and 8pm. So people are up later when it cools finally off and then sleep a bit during the afternoon. There is no other way to do it.

The babies and I have been waking up earlier and going outside with Cooper to the park by my house in the morning before 10am. That way we get some time outside, he gets some exercise and we are back in before it starts to heat up too much. I appreciate at this point that they are still little and we have lots to occupy our time indoors. Kids are still in school here until the end of the month but I remember last year how unbearable it got where I was working. Thank goodness for the beach and pools!

Speaking of, the community pool at my apartment complex opened last weekend. Yay!! When we were apartment hunting one of my must-haves was a pool and now I am glad especially with the girls. We went and spent some time there on Sunday morning while there was still shade since Vera and Laura still can't be out in the sun. Our pediatrician said that we could use sunscreen on them but the FDA recommends not using it until they are bigger. Thoughts?

We put the girls into their new pineapple swim suits (or swim coats if you are my niece Daphne) and they were adorable. We went down to the pool with our wonderful neighbors. I seriously hit the jackpot with these people. They are so kind and helpful. I can't say enough nice things about them.

I recently saw a video on Facebook about moms and how your kids won't remember what your beach body looked like. What they will remember is that you went swimming with them, enjoyed yourself, had fun. I needed to see that before swimsuit season since my body has definitely changed after carrying twins. I need to keep in mind that what is important is that my girls see that their mom has a positive body image and that I am ok with how I look (which for the most part is true).

After the pool we spent the afternoon with our neighbors and by the time we got back into our own apartment the girls were exhausted. Vera almost always cries in the afternoons, sometimes all afternoon. Sunday was no different so by the time it was dark out she was passed out. We don't know why she cries so much but it isn't cholic because as soon as you pick her up she is fine. My girls have very different personalities even now. Laura is so sweet and always smiling while her sister is a bit more difficult. 

I have recently decided that I am going to start blogging more since I am terrible about updating the girls' baby books. I am happy that I have posts throughout my pregnancy to look back on and I am sure in the future I will feel the same way about these early months. I want to make sure I record lots of Vera and Laura's firsts. Like going to the pool.


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