Winner, winner, chicken dinner

Winner, winner, chicken dinner

In the last week or so Jose and I have been to two dinner events with his co-workers. The first was a benefit dinner that helped raise money for a group of students who head down to Peru for the summer to work in a small pueblo. It was held at the school and though the food was just so-so, the company (we sat with a lot of other young couples) and the subsequent raffle were great fun. A lot of parents who own companies donate items for this event and most of the time the prizes are desirable, like bottles of wine or olive oil. Last year our table was pretty lucky when it came to the calling of numbers. In fact, our friends won a T.V., the grand prize of the night. This time around we were determined that we would win something as well (even if it was all up to random chance).

Our table was hot again this year. I believe that everyone sitting with us won something. The couple who won the T.V. last year won two different items this year. Jose and I also had one of our numbers called. Yesssssssssssssssssssss!

Argentinian dinner

In order to reward Jose´s English team at work for a job well done we were invited to dinner out at an Argentinian* restaurant. If you don´t know already, this basically means red meat which is something I have been missing here in the south of Spain where it seems like all we eat is either pork or chicken. Argentina knows how to cook cow. So good. Jose didn´t eat for like two days to prepare for this meal. 

We both ordered steaks. Yummmmmmmmm. Besides being a great foodfest, this was a nice way to say goodbye to co-workers since the school year is wrapping up and we are heading back to Michigan soon!

*I actually had to research the adjective to describe Argentina. I had it in my head that Argentinean was correct (which apparently is only one of the possible descriptors). You can also use Argentine as well as Argentinian. You learn something new every day.


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