Pool party

It´s the day you have all been waiting for

Or maybe that is just me. It has been getting hot here in the south of Spain. Like sprawl out on the marble floor hot. That is where you can find Cooper most of the time. He will lift up his head and look at me with a face that says, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? I don´t have an answer for him. I am suffering as well. We live in a sweatbox. But there is a light at the end of this suffocating tunnel.

Our pool is finally open!!!!! We thought that we would be long gone for the summer before our association actually got things all set to jet. Turns out we were wrong and I am so glad. It was torture to walk by the Olympic size pool with its shimmering, cool water as I was melting into a puddle on the sidewalk.

We went for our first swim yesterday and will probably spend the afternoon today. As you can see it we had it all to ourselves for a while. The pool was a big part of the reason we bought this apartment. I cannot imagine surviving the heat here without having somewhere to swim. I will always miss my lake living but this is a step in the right direction.


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