I heart Bussi

I don´t often ride the bus here in Sevilla, mostly because I can walk everywhere and get there as fast if not faster, plus you know my love for my Sevici bike, but every once in a while I hop on one of the Tussam fleet. Every time I realize it was a mistake. I am always under the impression that the ride will go quickly but when the bus stops at EVERY stop and 5 anciently decrepit folks creep on and off, what would be a 20 minute walk becomes an agonizingly long ride. Don´t get me wrong, I don´t hate old people and I think its great that Sevilla offers them free public transportation. What I do hate however, is always getting stuck by the one little old lady who insists on carrying on a conversation with me. First, because most of the time I am sweaty and coming home from the gym. Second, I don´t understand half of what is coming out of their mouth. Deciphering accents is hard enough here in Andalucia, add to that slang, little known phrases and the word "hija" (which literally means daughter but is also used by people to refer directly to someone they are speaking to that is younger) interspersed every so often and I don´t have a clue what these little women are saying. From what I glean while smiling and nodding is that they are carrying on about a myriad of maladies from which they suffer. They probably don´t have anyone else to talk to. I get it. Sometimes it is endearing, I will give you that much. Other times, you just have to grin and bear it.
What does make my bus rides better is a wonderful little thing called Bussi. Bussi is a program that the busses transmit on two video screens. It carries updates about the weather, sports, pop culture, the environment, current events and every once in a while, an English lesson. Whenever Bussi isn´t working, it is basically a tragedy. Buussssssssiiiii, whyyyyyyyyy? I need to know what famous Spanish person was seen out with which actor last night. I need to know some random ass fact about some country no one cares about. I need to know statistics about the bus I am riding in at this very second. What is the weather like outside right now??????? My idea of the ride from hell would be look a little like this: Long bus ride + crazy old lady - Bussi = walking home from the next stop.


  1. I liked the bus. It was always pouring when we were on the bus, but then was only drizzly when it was time to get off the bus.


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