Seven month update whaaaaat???

This past month has been a month of a lot of changes. We have been busy with lots of stuff going on so there is quite a bit to update.

First we had the girls' baptism at the beginning of the month. I wrote an entire blog post about it which I will link here if you want to check it out. All in all it was a wonderful day that we spent with Jose's family and our good friends. 

The following weekend we took Vera and Laura to their first wedding which didn't last very long since we ditched them after the ceremony. Mom and Dad needed some alone adult time and Jose's parents were more than happy to take care of them for a while. I wrote about the wedding here

We have made some changes to our living space to make it more baby friendly. We had to move our furniture around in our living room as well as start to baby proof every thing. Our next step is going to be installing some baby fences or gates to keep these almost mobile babies contained. Vera is almost crawling. She is rolling like crazy and seems to have almost figured it out. I feel like any day now I am going to be in the kitchen and am going to turn around to her smiling at me.

We spent a weeked in Portugal and took Laura and Vera to the beach for the first time. It was a ton of work to be honest. I am not the biggest fan of the beach to begin with (I much prefer a lake or a pool). Add to that having to haul all of our stuff plus two squirmy girls and I am not sure if it was worth it. We do love visiting Portugal and hadn't been for a long time so it was awesome to go there and relax for a few days. We had to go to our favorite bar and Indian restaurant of course.

Jose has been working all month at school and I started back to work part time last week. I got offered a position at a middle school/high school where I had done interviews before we left for Michigan for the summer. They called me a few weeks ago to say that a part time job had opened up and I jumped at the chance. This did mean that the babies had to start at daycare which as all moms know, sucks. They have been adjusting well and are there only a few hours every day but it is hard.

Vera has finally gotten two teeth. Again, I didn't even realize it was happening since she wasn't any more cranky than usual and hadn't been drooling very much. They just seemed to appear one day. As I said before, she is moving a lot more. She steals things from her sister and tries to roll right over her if Laura is in the way. Both girls have been eating a lot more food and Vera really likes sweet potato. She has been eating much better this month (it took her longer than Laura to figure it all out).

Laura is still as sweet as ever. She smiles at everyone and is able to make people fall in love with her. The girls' teacher at daycare says they are super good and easy babies which makes me happy. Laura has started rolling over from her back to her stomach and loves sitting up. She isn't too keen on fruit but loved eating carrots the other day.

All in all it has been a busy month. As always, you can read the other monthly updates by checking out the past posts under the labels on this blog. I hope to update again soon!


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