Two meltdowns in as many weeks = no blog post for a while

I recently got a comment saying that I was slacking with my posting and I can only agree. Allow me to explain why. In all honesty, my attention has been focused elsewhere on the two huge meltdowns effecting the world today. One of course (and certainly more important in the scheme of things handsdown) is the potential nuclear meltdown in Japan. I have been glued to the news to keep track of what is going on with the sad tsunami aftermath as well as people´s reactions to it (which have been surprising in many ways, see some of my friends´Facebook status update claiming it, the earthquake in Haiti and September 11th were God´s will in a roundabout way or some other such nonsense based on a Bible verse whose logic I didn´t quite follow). In any case, my thoughts are with those people effected.
On a lighter note, I was also engrossed in following the Charlie Sheen meltdown. Thank God for Youtube and all the people who uploaded his interviews and rants. I heard all about winning and tiger´s blood. I met the goddesses and wondered how the interviewers kept it together after hearing Charlie Sheen´s responses. I even saw the live drug test and I have to admit that all of these things were certainly more entertaining than his show Two and a Half Men ever was. And yes, Spain does show Two and a Half Men. I actually saw it for the first time here. I don´t really understand why it has been so popular in the U.S. and why Charlie Sheen was making so much money for being the star. First of all, they recycle the same odd couple-esque jokes in each episode. The idea of an uptight guy thrown into a living situation with a laidback guy, it´s the definition of wacky. Amirite? Not to mention that the show could win an award for worst wardrobe. A middle-aged man in tube socks and a bowling shirt? How is that sexy? Isn´t Charlie Sheen´s character a player? Which is another thing that never gets explained. They never actually include any dialogue in which he seduces the women that somehow end up sleeping with him (see roofies). As a woman, let´s see what I would find attractive if I were to meet his character: first he has serious mommy problems (strike), he is a grown-ass man who lives with his weirdo brother (strike), he writes jingles for crying out loud (strike three). Not to mention his creepy stalker, his boozing, gambling etc. What a catch! Sign me up. Though in all fairness, I am sure these are all reflections of his real life as well so I guess you can never underestimate the powerful draw of a bad boy who has a history of abuse. How much does a jingle writer really make for a living? Enough to live in a beachfront home and have hired help apparently. Plus, does anyone really think that Charlie Sheen was acting? I´m pretty sure he was actually drinking in all the scenes his character had a glass in his hand. The character even shares a name with him. It´s not a stretch. So basically he was getting paid millions each episode to be himself. As he would say, winning.
So these two meltdowns, plus the situation in Libya and the rest of the Middle East has been keeping my attention away from my blog. But I promise to update tomorrow in a real post.

In related news, I have two updates to earlier posts. The first has to do with a blog titled, Not quite a Teen Mom. Apparently, according to The Sun in the U.K. the world´s youngest grandmother is just 23. She is also Romanian. Here is a link to the article:

Secondly, and more important. Phil Collins announced his retirement to take care of his kids. I´m not really sure who will write music for Disney now. But the world can heave a collective sigh of relief. Here is the link:


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