People, people who need people...

Every afternoon when I wake up from my siesta I like to watch a show called ´La tarde con Juan y Medio´ (the afternoon with Juan and a half, apparently a name that comes from the host being so tall). I know that I previously said there was nothing on Spanish television worth watching, at least until ´Las chicas de oro´ comes out but this is helping me get by in the meantime. During one part of the show (the only I have seen or care to see) they invite lonely guests to come and plead their cases in-front of the television audience. Each person tells their story and gives their criteria for their perfect match, then callers can ring the show to express interest. In some ways it is endearing, in others funny, at times just plain creepy. Generally the people who are willing to put themselves out there on television are divorcees and widowers (see desperate) and as much as you don´t want to laugh, it is hard not to. Here´s an example: Antonio is 70, he is looking for a young lady between 55 and 69. He has been a widower for 5 years. His potential love must live close to him and not smell bad (he´s got high standards, no wonder he is still single). Ring, ring, a caller. Her name is María (because all women are name María). She is 72 (ouch, we can´t cross that off the list that is displayed on a split screen next to Antonio´s head). She lives close (yes!) and claims she doesn´t smell but I am betting she smells like anyone´s grandma which would be a dealbreaker for me but probably not Antonio. It looks like they´ve made a match. Exit stage left as goes Antonio to talk privately with María on the phone behind the scenes. Next comes another older lady whose name is Elena (you know it is really María Elena but both her sisters were named María something also so she goes by her second name). She was on a previous show and is going to meet the guy who called in to talk to her. When she is being interviewed by Juan y Medio all I can think is: oh my god, she sounds like my grandma (as in, in her own world for lack of a better description, love you Nonnie! You know, your granddaughter??). Elena is not listening to the host. She interjects random comments. Her stories don´t make much sense. She is ready for some semi-senile love. Out comes her match and you can tell it will be perfect. Neither of them listens to the other. They both make random comments. Neither of them make much sense. He doesn´t have teeth. Another success.


  1. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that is my favorite show everrrrrrrrrr the ONLY thing worth watching!!! and i have said it many times. i expect you to keep me updated on ridiculous happenings.
    some of my faves:
    the man's list of important criteria was something like this (translations included so that all may enjoy):

    between 60 and 75
    from Huelva or vicinity
    sin peluca (no wigs)
    buena dentadura (good set of teeth)

    and Marta or whoever calls up and Juan y Medio starts running down the list, he gets to the wig part and she goes "peluca? noo noo, yo nooo". and then on the next question she confesses that she is missing an incisor "zí bueno, por ahí abajo me farta uno" and the guy goes "ezo no es ná mujeeee" (aw that ain´t nothing woman)

    another success.

    also, one widower who had been married like 50 years proceeds to tell us that he has never kissed a woman on the mouth...because that´s just gross.
    had three kids though. they did manage to avoid conceiving for a few years, times were tough money wise. how did they avoid pregnancy, Juan asks?
    well you know, the old "marcha atrás" (putting the car in reverse) he says, and he gives a helpful little pelvic motion to illustrate his once-superb withdrawal technique.
    our second caller, happily enough, does not like to kiss on the mouth either. what a lady. another success.


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